即时天才播客:如何提高你的creativity, with Hilde Ostby

Where your creativity comes from – and how to nurture it.

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Published: May 8, 2023 at 7:48 am

即时天才播客:如何提高你的creativity, with Hilde Ostby

Instant Geniusis a bite-sized masterclass in podcast form. And in this episode, we’re exploring creativity.

Ever had an ‘aha’ moment? The point where your thoughts somehow finally coalesce into a revelation? Or have you ever wondered where your creative impulses come from and how they’re formed?

In this episode we speak to Hilde Ostby, author of the bookThe Key To Creativity, The Science Behind Ideas And How Day Dreaming Can Change the World. She tells us about the nature of creativity, where it comes from and how we can nurture it in our own lives.

FindInstant Geniuson your preferred podcast platform here:instantgenius.podlink.to/Podcast

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