Are there more admissions to A&E when there is a full Moon?

You can point the finger at many things for your trip to hospital, but the Moon isn't one of them.

Are there more admissions to A&E when there is a full Moon?

不。这是一个普遍的误区,偶尔一个年代tudy will claim a correlation between the full Moon and hospital admissions, crime, psychiatric episodes, suicide or just about anything else. But psychologist Ivan Kelly et al examined 81 of these studies in 1986 and 1996, and found that none of them showed a reliable or statistically significant correlation.

The explanation usually offered for any imagined lunar effect is that the Moon’s gravity is exerting a tidal force on the water in our bodies, which affects our state of mind. But the Moon’s gravitational pull is weak and only affects the tides because the seas are huge bodies of water.

A mother exerts 12 million times the gravitational pull on the baby in her arms than the Moon does, simply because she is a lot closer.

At the other end of the scale, some people don’t sleep very restfully. Stress, a bad bedtime routine or an uncomfortable bed can also mean you need more hours in bed to get the same amount of rest.

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