Kenny Lomas
Recent articles by Kenny Lomas

Could there be an unseen planet on the other side of the Sun?

Say what you'll say about the farmers and the fun and the things behind the sun.

Why does food taste nicer when you’re hungry?

Hmmm... pizza tastes especially good when your stomach is rumbling.

Can wine get worse with age?

I've been known to improve with wine.

How can different people survive on different amounts of sleep?

是有区别的多少睡眠的人need and how much they get.

Is alcohol as dangerous as smoking?

Your health could probably do without beer and cigarette induced harm.

Do animals suffer from hayfever?

Our sneezy reaction to pollen is thanks to our 'adaptive immunity', but do animals share this allergy?

Is there a threshold where more exercise makes your life shorter not longer?

An increase in lifespan can be the affect of regular exercise, but amount you need to do to reach a plateau is surprising.

Are humans still evolving?

Do you really think we are perfect specimens?

Does concentrated thought burn calories?

Maybe it's the thought that counts, maybe it's the exercise.

Are there more admissions to A&E when there is a full Moon?

You can point the finger at many things for your trip to hospital, but the Moon isn't one of them.

Can electricity be transferred wirelessly?

So where did you put your charging cable?

Why does paper go yellow over time?

Paper made from wood pulp contains the structural protein lignin which oxidises easily in air.

What would happen if all UK households boiled a kettle at the same time?

Households across the country put the kettle on during the ad breaks of prime TV, but would the electricity grid cope with everyone boiling a kettle at the same time?

Does microwaving food destroy its nutritional content?

Cooking in general does reduce the nutritional value of food, but by how much and is your microwave that much worse?

Why have we evolved emotional pain?

Humans are a social species and emotional pain is just as important as physical pain when teaching us what situations to avoid to survive.